Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Top 10 MQ Series Interview Questions Answers - WebSphere and Active MQ

MQ Series Interview Questions and Answers are collection of some of the questions asked on various MQ implementation e.g. IBM WebSphere MQ, Active MQ or Sonic MQ from different core Java and Enterprise Java (JEE) interviews. Most of these questions are from websphere MQ as it's the one which is most popular in large organization, especially in finance domain. By the way messaging is a key aspect of any enterprise application and you will always see some form of messaging between different systems in a organization. For example, In finance world, most of the middle office to back office communication happens over messaging middle-ware like TIBCO or MQ Series. Its one of the popular Message Oriented Middleware used in Core Java and Enterprise Java application deployed on IBM WebSphere Server, which means if your organization is using IBM WebSphere as application server, you are likely see WebSphere MQ there. By the way that's not the only one messaging solution available, you have couple of choices depending upon requirement e.g. Tibco Rendezvous for high speed messaging, Tibco EMS for a JMS based messaging, mostly for durable messages and MQ series as well. It's long time I have written any article on messaging after my articles based on Tibco messaging, along with some Tibco Interview Questions e.g. difference between Tibco RV and Tibco EMS. In this messaging article, focus will on MQ Series and in particular WebSphere MQ. These 10 WebSphere MQ interview Question and Answers will certainly help you to prepare better for any Java interview which expect experience on MQ Series.
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