Wednesday, February 26, 2014

10 Example of Lambda Expressions and Streams in Java 8

Java 8 release is just a couple of weeks away, scheduled at 18th March 2014, and there is lot of buzz and excitement about this path breaking release in Java community. One of feature, which is synonymous to this release is lambda expressions, which will provide ability to pass behaviours to methods. Prior to Java 8, if you want to pass behaviour to a method, then your only option was Anonymous class, which will take 6 lines of code and most important line, which defines the behaviour is lost in between. Lambda expression replaces anonymous classes and removes all boiler plate, enabling you to write code in functional style, which is some time more readable and expression. This mix of bit of functional and full of object oriented capability is very exciting development in Java eco-system, which will further enable development and growth of parallel third party libraries to take advantage of multi-processor CPUs. Though industry will take its time to adopt Java 8, I don't think any serious Java developer can overlook key features of Java 8 release e.g. lambda expressions, functional interface, stream API, default methods and new Date and Time API. As a developer, I have found that best way to learn and master lambda expression is to try it out, do as many examples of lambda expressions as possible. Since biggest impact of Java 8 release will be on Java Collections framework its best to try examples of Stream API and lambda expression to extract, filter and sort data from Lists and Collections. I have been writing about Java 8 and have shared some useful resources to master Java 8 in past. In this post, I am going to share you 10 most useful ways to use lambda expressions in your code, these examples are simple, short and clear, which will help you to pick lambda expressions quickly.
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