Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to redirect a page or URL using JavaScript and JQuery

Redirecting a web page means, taking user to new location. Many website use redirect for many different reasons, e.g. Some website redirect user from old domain to new domain, some redirect from one page to another e.g. a more relevant page. If you are Java programmer, and worked previously with Servlet and JSP, then you might be familiar with SendRedirect and Forward methods, which are used to redirect user in web applications. Actually there are two kinds of redirect, Server side redirect and client side redirect. In Server side redirect, server initiate redirection, while in client side redirect, client code does the redirection. Redirecting a web page using JavaScript and JQuery is a client side redirection. Well, HTTP redirection is a big topic and different people do it differently. e.g. bloggers mostly used platform like WordPress, Blogger feature to redirect a page, though this might be restricted to same domain. In this JavaScript and JQuery tutorial, we will learn a new JQuery tip to redirect a page.
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