Friday, December 17, 2010

Critical Analysis of an Algorithm: Sproc, Embedded SQL, and ORM

This is a follow-up to yesterday's
>historical perspective
on ORM.
In this essay we examine a particular class of
business logic and ask what happens if we go server-side,
embedded SQL, or ORM.

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Complete Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.


We are going to look at a process. The term is not
well defined, but my own working definition is any
operation that has as many of the following properties
as I seem to think are important at the time I make
the decision:

  • Is categorically not CRUD: requires much more
    than displaying data to user or sending a single-row
    operation to the server
  • Involves reading or writing many rows
  • Involves reading or writing from multiple tables
  • Involves multiple passes of the same data
  • Involves no user interaction while executing
  • If not coded to be idempotent can cause huge
  • Will likely take longer than a user is willing
    to wait (these days 3-10 seconds) and so runs in the
  • Depends upon rules tables that control its behavior

A Particular Process: Magazine Regulation

I have a more complete description of this problem
here, so this is going to be very
short. The system handles magazine deliveries to
stores. The shop running the system has thousands of stores
and thousands of magazines. Every store has a
default quantity of the particular magazines they
For one particular magazine, NewsTime,
there are 1000 stores that get an average default
quantity of 50, requiring 50,000 magazines each weak.

Here is the twist. You never get exactly 50,000, no
matter what you tell the distributor. Some weeks you
get 45,000, others you get 55,000, with any variation
in between. So the Regulation
adjusts the defaults for each store
until the delivery amounts equal the on-hand total that
was delivered on the truck.

The Naive or Simple Algorithm

In the first pass, we are going to consider an
unrealistically simple version of Magazine Regulation,
where we have too many magazines and must up the
quantities until we're giving out the entire amount on-hand.

Assume a table has already been populated that has
the default quantities for each store, where the relevant
columns for the moment would be these:

1 | 50 | 75 | 0
2 | 50 | 23 | 0
4 | 50 | 48 | 0
10 | 50 | 19 | 0
17 | 50 | 110 | 0
21 | 50 | 82 | 0

We are told only that the increases must be evenly
distributed, we can't just ship 5000 extra magazines to
a single store. That makes sense. A simple algorithm to do this would be:

  1. Give each store one additional magazine until you
    run out of magazines or run out of stores.
  2. Repeat step 1 until you run out of magazines.

The Pseudo-Code

Let's mock something up in pseudo-code that
shows the structure of the solution:

magsToDeliver = get total magazines...
magsDefault = get total of defaults...

-- Outer loop implements rule 2:
-- "repeat until you run out of magazines"
while magsToDeliver > magsDefault {

-- Inner loop implements rule 1:
-- "increase each store by 1 until you
-- run out of stores or run out of magazines"
for each store getting this magazine {
if magsToDeliver <= magsDefault break

-- If you want to go nuts, and even allow
-- the accidental simultaneous execution
-- of two routines doing the same thing,
-- put these lines here instead
magsToDeliver = get total magazines...
magsDefault = get total of defaults...

-- This is the actual job getting done
qty_regulate +=1
magsToDeliver -=1

The Three Methods

Let's characterize what happens with our three
choices of stored procedure, embedded SQL, or

Stored Procedure.
Likely the fastest
solution, considering all of that row-by-row
going on. If that were in app code (ORM or not) we would
be making two
>round trips to the server per iteration.

The really crazy thing about the stored procedure
solution is that it is utterly neutral to the
ORM question
. The entire ORM good-bad debate
dissolves because there is no OOP code involved.
So this could be the magic solution that ORM lovers
and haters could both agree upon.

App Code With Embedded SQL (no ORM). Just about
everybody hates this idea these days, but it should
be here for completeness, and because there are some
advantages. The top of the pseudo-code requires to
aggregate pulls, and if you are not afraid of SQL you
can pull down the result in one pass, instead of
iterating on the client. Further, the innermost operation
can be coded in SQL as a "UPDATE deliveries from (SELECT
TOP 1 deliverid From deliveries...)" so that you get only
one round trip per iteration, where ORM will cost two.

Any Kind of ORM. By this I mean the code will
contain no SQL, and the innermost loop will likely
instantiate some "delivery" objects, one after another,
increment their qty_regulated property by one, and flush them out.
This is twice as expensive as embedded SQL because you
have to fetch the row from the database and then
write it back, where the embedded SQL can issue a single
command that locates and updates the row in a single

Some may argue that I misunderstand ORM
here, in that the library may be smart enough to allow
the write without the read, and without forcing you
to embed SQL
. It would have to be something like
A) instantiate empty object with key, B) assign value
as an expression, like "+=1", C) save.
I welcome any such examples and will
update the post accordingly if any are forthcoming.
I am assuming that no ORM tool I have seen can do this
and would be happy to be corrected.

If the ORM forces us to calculate the initial sum
of QTY_Default by fetching each row as an object and summing
them in the app, we get an extra complete set of round
trips. Bummer. But if we say, "Hey my ORM tool lets
me embed SQL in *emergencies*" then perhaps we can embed
a query with an aggregrate and skip that cost. But
oops, we've got some embedded SQL. Leaky abstraction.

The Score So Far

So how does it look so far? All methods have
the same number of reads and writes to disk,
so we are scoring
them on round trips. If "X" is the number
of extra magazines to be distributed, and "Y" is
the number of stores getting the magazine, we have
for round trips:

  • Stored Procedure: 1
  • Embedded SQL: X + 1 (the first pull plus one trip per
    extra copy of the magazine)
  • ORM, Hypothetical:X + 1 (if the ORM tool can figure out how
    to do an update without first reading the row to the app)
  • ORM, Best Case: 2X + 1 (if the first pull can be an aggregrate
    without embedding SQL, and two round trips per iteration)
  • ORM, Worst Case:2X + Y (if the first pull must aggregate
    app-side and there are two round trips per iteration)

Update: if you want a laugh, check out the image on the
Wikipedia page for "Business Logic", it depicts
aggregation occuring on the client side.

This gives us the shape of the engineering decision.
With all options reading and updating the same number of
rows, it call comes down to round trips. As soon as you
go client side your round trips go way up, and if your
ORM tool does not support Update without Select, then
it doubles from there.

Now multiply this across the entire application,
every single action in code, every bit of "business
logic" with any kind of loop that iterates over

It Gets Worse/Better: Considering SQL Possibilities

If you happen to know much about modern SQL,
you may be aware of the amazingly cool SQL RANK()
function. If this function is used in the sproc
or embedded SQL approaches, you can execute the
algorithm with only one loop, in a maximum of
iterations. This will go much faster than the
row-by-row, and now those two options are pulling
even further ahead of the naive row-by-row methods
encouraged by an ORM tool.

This ability of SQL will become extremely
important, as we are about to blow apart the
simplicity of the algorithm.

We Now Return You To The Real World

I have never been paid good money to write an
algorithm as simple as the one described above.
This is because mature businesses have always
refined these simple methods for years or decades,
and so the real situation is always more complex.

In a real magazine regulation algorithm, the rules
tend to be more like this:

  1. Apply all of these rules whether you are
    increasing or decreasing the amounts to deliver
  2. Stop applying the rules when delivery amounts
    have been balanced to what we have on hand, no matter
    where you are in the process
  3. Always increase/decrease any particular store
    by exactly one on each iteration, no matter which rule
    you are working on
  4. Never decrease any store below 2
  5. Decrease any store whose past 3 issues sold less
    than 60% by 1, unless this would project their sales
    of this issue above 60%, and prioritize
    by prior sales % ascending.
  6. If the previous step completes, and we are
    short of magazines decrease each store
    by 1 by order of previous sales percents
    ascending. Repeat until we are in balance.
  7. If all stores are reduced to 2 and we are
    still short, abort and write error to log.
  8. If after the decreases we have excess magazines,
    increase any store whose past 3 issues sold more than
    70% by 1, unless this would reduce their projected
    sales of this issue below 70%, and prioritize by
    prior sales % descending (so the stores with the most
    sales are handled first in case we don't get to all of them)
  9. If the previous step completes, and we are
    still in excess, increase each store by 1 in order
    of previous sales percents descending. Repeat until
    we are in balance.

This can also get doubled again if we must implement one
set of rules when we start out with a too few magazines,
and another set of rules when we start out with too many.

Well, it's not that hard. It actually comes down to
having four outer loops in succession. The percent-based
reduction, then the by 1 reduction, then the percent-based
increase, then the by 1 increase.

But technically the more important matters are these:

  • We now have to
    grab the sales % for every store for this magazine
    on their past 3 issues and keep it handy throughout
    the routine.

  • The rules stated above contain constants
    like 70%, 60%. These would properly be in some
    parameter table to allow the user to control them,
    so those have to be fetched.

  • The loop through the stores is now much different,
    as we are filtering on prior sales percent for
    the percent-based passes, and filtering and ordering
    on prior sales percent for the by 1 passes.

Revisiting the Three Approaches

Now let's see how our three approaches would change.

The Improved Stored Procedure. If we change the
sproc to use RANK() and make batch updates, we would
pull the prior sales percents into a temp table and
apply a >covering index to cut the reads from that table in
half. Our main loop would then simply join to this
temp table and use it for both filtering and ordering.

The Embedded SQL. If we also changed the
embedded SQL so it was making batch updates with
RANK(), we would also generate a temp table. This
option remains the same as the sproc except for where
we put the SQL. However, it now has far fewer
round trips, and starts to look much more like the
sproc in terms of performance.

The ORM Approach. The idea here would be to
get those prior sales percents down into an ordered
collection and then use them as
the basis for the loops. The thorny part is that they
must be aggregated and sorted. If we want to avoid
all embedded SQL, then the aggregation
can be done client-side if we don't mind pulling down
3 times as many rows as are required. The sorting we
can pull off if we put the objects into a
collection such as an associative array, where the key
is the sales percent, then we can use [language of choice]'s
built-in sorting (hopefully), and we have escaped the
dread evil of embedded SQL.

So we end up where we were, only more so. The sproc
remains the fastest, and if we know how to code set-oriented
nifty stuff with RANK() then the embedded SQL will run
in almost the exact same time. The ORM requires
most likely even more round trips and expensive
app-side operations that are performed much more efficiently
in the db server, unless we are willing to break the
abstraction and embed a bit of SQL.

But in the end, if all of that cost of the ORM kicks
a 3 second routine to 7 seconds, still well below what
any user would notice, and you avoid
embedded SQL, and it lets you keep your paradigm,
who am I to judge?


I offer none. There are so many conventions in play
regarding where to put your code, what tool you are
already using, and so forth, that it is really up to
the reader to draw conclusions. I only hope there is
enough information here to do so.

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