I've been working on.Coming from a strong background in Macs, the first UIs I wanted to emulate are the ones found here. But I abstracted some common patterns and made a generic model that can easily be adapted to other looks, too.
Here's a demo applet showing off what I have so far. The UI's are displayed in a JInternalFrame
so you can resize the window to see how they scale. (They're originally presented at their preferred size.)
This app (source included) is available here.
Why Bother?
Why bother to make these UI's when Apple provided some convenient client properties to get the same buttons in Java? I have several possible reasons:
!) However: as JComponents
they don't always resize well. (Especially the segmented variety.) If you have an icon that's just a couple of pixels larger than allowed: then those couple of pixels may just dangle off the edge.As a disclaimer I should add: it is not my intention to make pixel-perfect replicas of any UI's. Instead my goal is to be "passable". There may be some improvements, and there be some regressions. If you have questions or comments, please let me know. I may be able to defend certain design decisions, or you may convince me to change something. :) But speaking of pixel-precision: I want to thank Werner for giving me some great advice for certain rendering problems I was having!
After some discussion with Thasso, I decided to simplify the original architecture. Before there was too much emphasis on how to let subclasses define their own shape, and not enough flexibility with the fill.
In this version the FilledButtonUI
is the parent of all my other ButtonUIs. This object is responsible for the shape of the button area; the subclasses are only interested in the fill and in rendering.
All the UI's can automatically receive Mac-like focus-rings either inside or outside the shape of the button (or both). In the demo, most of the rings are usually outside except in the 3x3 block of buttons: here the focus needs to be painted internally, because external focus wouldn't show in the the centermost cell. If you want to render a customized type of focus, you can override the getFocusPainting()
method to return PAINT_NO_FOCUS
. (This means that the FilledButtonUI
isn't automatically painting focus for you, and you need to implement your own painting code somewhere else.)
Client Properties
In the demo above all the buttons share the same instance of one
. The UI looks at client properties in the button to distinguish the shape. To set up a button on the bottom-left corner of a grid of buttons, you can call:myButton.putClientProperty( HORIZONTAL_POSITION, LEFT );
myButton.putClientProperty( VERTICAL_POSITION, BOTTOM );
(It is assumed if one of these properties is missing that the intended value is
.)Also these UI's support an arbitrary shape. To create a circular button you can call:
myButton.putClientProperty(SHAPE, new Ellipse2D.Float(0,0,100,100));
(The shape will be scaled until the icon and text of a button fit inside it.)
In the comments below Andre requested something similar to this feature. Personally I only really see myself using this feature for circles, but it is up to your discretion to decide if you think other shapes are a good fit for your UI.
Thasso pointed out the current implementation requires that buttons be mutually exclusive in their layout: if two buttons are supposed to be nestled together in, say, a diamond-like pattern, then the FilledButtonUI
is probably not a good choice. While that sounds like a fun design challenge to address (as far as programming is concerned), this project is already very large in scope and I don't want to take on more than I can handle.
You probably don't want to comb through your UI and set up client properties for each toolbar to get the correct segment positions. And even if you did: supposed you have a toolbar with buttons A, B, C and D, but then in some situations you made D invisible. At this point button C needs to become the right-most button in the set, instead of being a middle button. Updating this constantly seems like a real chore.
The ButtonCluster
object automates this for you. It works under a couple of assumptions, though. It does not directly affect the layout of your buttons: it assumes when you pass it an array of buttons that they will always be adjacent in your UI, and that they will be presented in that order. A ButtonCluster
has no way of knowing if that is or is not the case; it assumes that part of your UI is unchanging.
When you create a cluster you can ask it to be standardized or not. (This is largely in response to Michael's comments below.) If this boolean is true, then the FilledButtonUI
will arrange each button in a cluster to have approximately the same width and height. This will result in larger GUI components, but with a more balanced look.
Also be sure to check out the static install()
methods in the javadoc: that may be the only method you need to call from your code to incorporate this project into your app.
Extras. Eye candy. I added a few to the demo applet just to demonstrate how easy they are.
The blinking focus is built into the FilledButtonUI
, and probably required about 20 lines of code. This is a feature a user once requested for accessibility reasons: users who can't easily use a mouse largely rely on keyboard focus to navigate software, but sometimes the focus is so subtle in a crowded interface that it's hard to spot. The blinking really helps the human eye to find the area of interest.
The other two extras (shimmer and zoom) are UIEffects
. This is a very simple but fun little class that the FilledButtonUI
supports when rendering a button. In a way this model is my attempt to compensate for not having multiple inheritance: I can make easy little effects that I can apply to any and all FilledButtonUI
subclasses. (And remember Java2D's most basic drawing tools can go a long way if you're creative.)
Keyboard Focus
Speaking of keyboard focus, that reminds me (can you tell that writing this article is very much a stream-of-consciousness process?)... I'm also very pleased with the
. This listens for arrow keys, and shifts the focus accordingly when a key is pressed. It's a very simple concept, but I think it should be applied to most GUI elements that do not already have defined behaviors for the arrow keys. JToolBars
already do something very similar: pressing the the left and right arrow keys is generally equivalent to pressing tab and shift-tab. (Except when you get to one extreme of a JToolBar
the focus will wrap around to the other side.)Again: thanks goes to Werner for some helpful tips on this element.
The incentive for this project was to get some consistent aesthetic UI's to use in our desktop applications. With that goal in mind I put together what I hope is a relatively adaptable model for all sorts of other button UI's to work from.
I've spent a lot of time on this in the last few weeks and I need to move on for now. If you have improvements/fixes you want to make: the code is in the jar (and available on an SVN server), so you're welcome to do whatever is necessary. And if you email me afterwards I might be able to incorporate the changes into the official release.
As of this writing the features I would most like to add are HTML-support (in text) and a FadingUIEffect. Neither of these should require overhauling anything major: but they are outside my current needs.
Feel free in the comments to talk about your favorite ButtonUI's from other sources/L&F's, and what makes them your favorite.
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