Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Who I am To You ? Hum Aapke Hai Kaun ???? - Source Code For FLAMES

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Who I Am To You ???
Hum Aapke Hai Kaun??????


By - Krishnkanth Soni

In India, North-Indian teenagers, following small formula for choosing a boyfriend or girlfriend. That is FLAMES. This is a fun application.

What is FLAMES?
F for Friend
L for Lover
A for Affair
M for Marriage
E for Enemy
S for Sister

How the calculation?
Take guy name and girl name
Example: Rama and Sita

1.cut all common letters in those names, now the remaining words are "rma" and "sit"

2.Now calculate all the letters, that is 6 letters

3.Now take FLAMES calculate from the F and cut it on 6th letter

After cutting the FLAMES

4. Now again calculate form the next letter keep on calculate until you will get one letter
that will decide your relationship.

Note: Flames is a funny logic in this testing if this example has caused any problems, please excuse me its only meant for fun!

Download API & Java Source Code For FLAMES here....

Java Program - Calculating Flames
Author@ Krishnakanth Soni
Feedback@ sonikrishnakanth@gmail.com

Usage: java Flames rama sita

Output Screen

public class Flames
private String name1 = "";
private String name2 = "";

public Flames(){
name1 = "rama";
name2 = "sita";

public void setNameOne( String name1 ){
this.name1 = name1.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll( " ", "" );

public void setNameTwo( String name2 ){
this.name2 = name2.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll( " ", "" );

public void setNames( String name1, String name2 ){
this.name1 = name1.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll( " ", "" );;
this.name2 = name2.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll( " ", "" );;

private String findDifference(){
String difference = "";
String temName = this.name2;
for( int i=0; i<name1.length(); i++ ){
String a = name1.charAt(i) + "";
if( name2.indexOf( a ) != -1 ){
name2 = name2.replaceFirst( a, "" );
difference += a;
difference += name2;
this.name2 = temName;
return difference;

public String getFLAMES(){
String flamesResult = "";
int difference = findDifference().length();
if( difference == 0 ){
if( name1.equals( name2 ) )
return "You have Given Same Names, So Can't find FLAMES";
return "Can't find FLAMES for the Given Names";
int k=0;
for( int i=5; i>0; i-- ){
int j=1;
while( j < difference ){
if( k == fResult.length )
k = 0;
String fResult1[] = new String[i];
int m = 0;
for( int kk=0; kk fResult.length; kk++ )
if( kk != k )
fResult1[m++] = fResult[kk];
fResult = fResult1;
if( k == fResult.length )
k = 0;
flamesResult = fResult[0];
return flamesResult;

public String getFLAMES( String name1, String name2 ){
String nameOne = this.name1;
String nameTwo = this.name2;
setNames( name1, name2 );
String flames = getFLAMES();
setNames( nameOne, nameTwo );
return flames;

public String toString(){
return "[ F.L.A.M.E.S For \"" + this.name1 + "\" And \"" + this.name2 + "\" Is \"" + getFLAMES() + "\" ] ";

public static void main(String[] args)
Flames fl = new Flames();
if( args.length == 2 ){
fl.setNames( args[0], args[1] );
System.out.println( "\n" + fl.toString() + "\n" );
System.out.println( "\nUse With Proper usage, Find a sample FLAMES Below\n" );
fl.setNames( "rama", "sita" );
System.out.println( "\n" + fl.toString() + "\n" );


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