Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Play Online Thambola . Housie . Bingo !!!!!!!

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Thambola LAN v 1.0

Figure 00 ( Basic Interface)

This is Online Thambola LAN/Internet Game. Its a multiplayer game. This application can be used as a "Server" or "Client".

Download your application according to your Operating System..

Download Thambola Windows Application
Download Thambola Windows Command Line Application
Download Thambola Linux Application
Download Thambola Solaris Application
Download Thambola JAR File

Note: To Run the Application make sure that Your system contains Java Runtime Environment.
Use WinRAR to unzip the downloaded file.

About ThambolaLAN Application:

This application is based on the original Thambola Game often called Housie, Bingo and many more. In Thambola Game, one person will draw the numbers and announce, similarily here one person will host the game and all the others will join the game. Each person can draw a maximum of 3 tickets from server( host ). When ever the server starts the game, clients will be getting the number on his screen.

Instructions on how to play:

Figure 01: Server Interface

  • After downloading the application. unzip it using winRAR.
  • Open the Application
  • To make the Application as Server or Hosting the Game:
    • Click on the Listening( Located at top-right corner ) and then Specify a Port to Listen on. See figure one
Figure 01: Listen and Connect To

    • Click on GO
    • If it is successfull then new Window will open (ServerStatistics) as shown in figure two.

Figure 02: Server Statistics

    • In Server Statistics Specify the number of tickets you want to generate for the game Click on Generate Game, It may take some time if you specify more number of tickets
    • After Generating the game, You can set a timer to start the game or you can start the game immediately
    • Server will start sending the numbers to clients connected
    • To view the finished numbers click on the View Finished Numbers on ServerStatistics Window.

Figure 03: View Numbers Generated

  • To make the application as Client:
    • Click on the Connect to and specify the serverIP and the server port number on the top right corner, and click on GO
    • If there is some server running you will be connected else it will return an error
    • Submit number of tickets you want. "ONE", "TWO" or "THREE"
    • When the game starts you can view the number on CallerBoard
    • Just click on the number, if u got the number. It will be highlighted
    • When you complete First Line or Second Line or Third Line then submit it by clicking the appropriate option on the ticket
    • Ticket will be validated by the server and result will be announced in MessageBox

Figure 04: Client Interface with Subject Line as Thambola:Feedback with Subject Line as THAMBOLA: Bugs with Subject Line as THAMBOLA: Code Download

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